Friday, August 31, 2012

FMF: Change

Five Minute Friday and the word is: CHANGE


Such a fitting word for this girl! It seems the more I want things to stay the same, the more they change.

Homes: 12 different houses in 20 years of marriage.

The cowboy's career: because he is so curious and ambitious, (and because there's no money in just being a cowboy).

Children growing up too fast: this week my oldest started college and my youngest high school.  The empty nest looms large....

My body: What can I say? I'm 48. THE Change is beginning to rear its ugly head.

Every new change vividly reveals that I am in a losing battle for sameness, for constancy.  It's a battle that can't be won, because I am not the One in control.

And He never promises things will stay the same--only that He is working through all of the changes.

 What if....I just quit fighting?

What if, instead of looking at the dizzying change around me, I fixed my eyes on the God who is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Rather than grasping at people and situations and trying to take control so I can feel secure, what if I simply let go and trusted the One who IS in control over all?

What if I found my security in my unchanging God, rather than my ever changing circumstances?

How beautiful could that be?

So my life is a rollercoaster...

Maybe I need to just throw my hands up and enjoy the ride!


Thursday, August 30, 2012


1346.  Mission Interact, a beautiful way to bring the body together across denominations and love the community at the same time.

1347. Honor given to a humble young man.

1348. An eager anticipation of seeing how God's grace will turn a great disappointment into a great opportunity for a surrendered young couple.

1349. Blasting away the blues by singing show tunes with the girls at the top of our lungs.

1350.  Watching my cowboy persevere through hard things.  I love that he GIVES his best, but doesn't need to BE the best at everything.

1351. Outpouring of affection for our frenchman by the youth of FBCO.  He may not understand our God, but he will know His love.

1352. Coming up on the 11th hour, waiting to see what God will do.

1353. Another testimony of God's provision through our months of no income.  He alone--and not the government--provided for our needs.

1354.  A new school year, the comfort of routine.

1355.  A choice in every situation to praise instead of complain.

1356.  Songbird's brave testimony before others and the simple, profound truth she shared. 

"Brokenness is part of the plan."  

1357. A very hard and costly relationship lesson, and the bittersweet privilege of walking a child through it.  

1358.  English chatter on the way home from camp.  So many questions, so little time to answer!

1359.  A chance to collaborate with a friend.

1360. The difficult but liberating reminder that the only One I need care about pleasing is the One who takes me as I am.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


1330.  Late night call to hear the enthusiastic details of the day.

1331. Gift from the Word:  I bear His mark; I am sealed in the Spirit.

1332. Lacy spider webs heavy with morning dew.

1333. Bunny brigade racing me up the driveway.

1334. Pumpkin Pie's adorable underbite.

1335. Water day at the farm thanks to a generous friend.

1336. Great illustration by a young pastor: Righteousness matters, but our acts should be those of an adoring child imitating a beloved Father, not a striving to earn approval.

1337.  A long-awaited interview--in God's perfect timing.

1338.  A beautiful model of a truly repentant prayer for Divine help (Nehemiah 9).

1339.  Pilar, the Columbian firecracker, who never calls me just "Mary" but always "Miss Mary Odell."

1340.  My Happy Girl home again.

1341.  Mike and the boys able to hear Songbird perform.

1342.  Car troubles only a glitch, nothing major.

1343.  Waking up to find a child up even earlier and in the Word.

1344. Calves racing around the field on a windy day.

1345. The deafening roar of a frog multitude after a thunderstorm.

Friday, August 17, 2012

#1310 - #1329

1310. Bernice sitting with Katie providing information and inspiration.

1311. Doe and spotted fawn watching me fearlessly.

1312. Laughing teens playing UNO

1313. Camille's fascination turned to surprise when the huge, dead scarab he was studying turned not to be so dead after all!

1314.  My crazy cowboy agreeing to take another rooster (#9!!!!).

1315. DIY day: Protein bars and homemade laundry soap.

1316. Ivory soap in the microwave--so cool!

1317. The romping of Pumpkin Pie, frolicking in a zigzag, tail lifted and curled into a perfect "9."

1318. A gift from the Word: Psalm 50:23  But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.  If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.

1320. Picnic in the park with friends.

1321. Road trips with family and friends.

1322. Crystal clear, spring-fed river.

1323. Schools of big purple fish.

1324. Good goggles to see it all with.

1325. Multi-family sleepover.

1326. Small churches.

1327. Hearing Eulie preach again.

1328. Happy Girl off to SLU, so early and so excited.

1329. Texts during the day from my girl far away.
