Five Minute Friday and the word is: CHANGE
Such a fitting word for this girl! It seems the more I want things to stay the same, the more they change.
Homes: 12 different houses in 20 years of marriage.
The cowboy's career: because he is so curious and ambitious, (and because there's no money in just being a cowboy).
Children growing up too fast: this week my oldest started college and my youngest high school. The empty nest looms large....
My body: What can I say? I'm 48. THE Change is beginning to rear its ugly head.
Every new change vividly reveals that I am in a losing battle for sameness, for constancy. It's a battle that can't be won, because I am not the One in control.
And He never promises things will stay the same--only that He is working through all of the changes.
What if....I just quit fighting?
What if, instead of looking at the dizzying change around me, I fixed my eyes on the God who is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Rather than grasping at people and situations and trying to take control so I can feel secure, what if I simply let go and trusted the One who IS in control over all?
What if I found my security in my unchanging God, rather than my ever changing circumstances?
How beautiful could that be?
So my life is a rollercoaster...
Maybe I need to just throw my hands up and enjoy the ride!
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago