648. A serving of peas from the garden.
649. Cold weather--finally!
650. Five-year-old sage explaining the truths he knows: "Policemen eat special foods to give them super strength..."
651. Anna and Jackson for a day!
652. Shopping western wear with the island boy.
653. More and more eggs!
654. Steers outgrowing their halters.
655. Good results from my blood test.
656. Being the go-to person for Camille when he needs "traduction."
657. The sound of Camille and Mike belly laughing in the next room.
658. "For you," as he offers me a gift from a store's window display.
659. Slow, restful days.
660. Time to connect for two busy friends.
661. Potato shoots!
662. My special weed-buster tool.
663. Flame-topped pair of wood-peckers in the scrub oaks.
664. Well-fed cardinal on the fence.
665. Freshly mowed pasture, tired but happy French boy.

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