741. Two of my kids working together to sketch out a cow on poster board for a 4H project.
742. Twenty sandhills who greet me as I walk the fields.
743. Seeing flashes of insight in students just learning to think deeply.
744. Early morning stroll.
745. Cows and calves at the fence.
746. Room full of teenage girls, all doubled up in one tiny bedroom.
747. A lone egg in the back yard, left by a hen who missed curfew.
748. Early bedtime and deep sleep to fight a cold.
749. Delicious Iranian food made with love.
750. Horseback ride with the cowboy. (BUMPY!)
751. Stymie and his mother bellowing their protest over separation.
752. The new friends that teaching brings me.
753. Pink morning sun. (Afternoon rain?)
754. Funny little notes from students: "Dear Mrs. O, I still don't like To Kill a Mockingbird."
755. Little brown rooster sprinting awkwardly across the year.
756. "When two or more are gathered..." The beautiful privilege of pleading for soul protection of a young person.
757. Prayer warrior friends who can pray a powerful sermon right from the Word of God.
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago