Tuesday, November 8, 2011


281. Hammock Sabbath afternoon relaxing with the Cowboy.

282. Seeing the fresh, raw growth of a beautiful, struggling young woman beginning to emerge out of a dark season.

283. A school day in which no nagging was required.

284. Laughing with my kids in the car.

285. The feeling of expectancy as winter break from teaching approaches.

286. Students actually showing enthusiasm for a research project...(Oh, let me know how to guide and encourage excellence without quenching their enthusiasm!)

287. A husband who is a fighter.  God, give him grace and humility to match his strength and conviction.

288. The dinner bell clanging when it's not dinnertime, to remind me that a boy lives here.

289. A cluttered table giving evidence that learning is happening.

290. Project ideas that allow Brother Bear to incorporate his passions.

291. Steers "re-learning" to walk the pasture.  So stubborn!

292. Christmas scented candles. It's never too early!

293. Encouraging thoughts from friends on discouraging mornings.

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